he Reprint courtesy of Methodist Recorder 14th July 2017
(Tim Cooke candidated from the Barnard Castle and Teesdale Methodist Circuit and where he was a member of Middleton Methodist Church.)
(Tim Cooke candidated from the Barnard Castle and Teesdale Methodist Circuit and where he was a member of Middleton Methodist Church.)

Articles reproduced courtesy of and thanks to the Northern Echo (above) and Teesdale Mercury (below) April 2016
Article reproduced coutesy of Teesdale Mercury 6th May 2015
Article reproduced coutesy of Teesdale Mercury 23rd December 2014
![]() Middleton's Village Christmas
Please click on image to enlarge A great annual village event for all Article reproduced courtesy of Teesdale Mercury 1st January 2014 GOLD PERFORMANCE BY SILVER BAND FOR MIDDLETON ‘CHURCH-IN-HALL’
‘When David Dye, the musical director of Middleton Silver Band, heard of efforts by Middleton Methodist Church to publicise and raise funds for their ‘Church-in-Hall’ Renewal scheme; he consulted with the Band and offered to do a concert for the cause. This was given to a packed hall at the Methodist Church in Middleton on Friday the 29th August. The Band performed perfectly with a really mixed and entertaining programme of music, with brilliant solos, and stirring renditions of pop, movie and West-end Musical songs, with a few more traditional pieces. The new young members of the band also performed really well and received spontaneous and enthusiastic applause. All these were interspersed between David’s usual banter and anecdotes. The interval incorporated a short visual presentation on the renewal of the ‘Church-in-Hall’ facilities in the centre of Middleton, and a welcome supper and drinks. There was a gift and plant stall, & the re-launch of the ‘Buy-a-Slate’ scheme for the revised project. The evening was extremely enjoyable and raised about £500 towards the project. For more information on the ‘Church-in-Hall’ Renewal, or to buy your slate or slates for £5.00 each, please view www.middleton-in-teesdale.co.uk, pickup a leaflet from the church noticeboard, or contact Ian on 01833 640200. ![]() ![]() |
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